The temperature dependence of the pyroelectric coefficient pЈ of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVF 2) was measured from 307 K to the previously unexplored region of 3 K. The measurements were performed on a film of oriented (-phase͒ PVF 2 by monitoring its surface charge response to quasistatic heating and cooling transients. The data exhibit a pure cubic temperature dependence from 3 to 6 K with no evidence of a linear term. This is consistent with the prediction by Szigeti and the Debye limit, respectively, for the primary ͑i.e., strain-free͒ and secondary contributions to pyroelectricity. The data from ϳ20 to ϳ150 K, which include the region of largest change, are well fit by an exponential function ͑i.e., a 0 e Ϫ/T), corresponding to a thermal activation energy of ϭ(25.9Ϯ0.06) K. Our data for pЈ, from 100 to 250 K, are approximately proportional to the thermal expansion coefficient, recently published by Hartwig, which indicates that the observed pyroelectricity is dominated by piezoelectric ͑i.e., secondary͒ contributions in that temperature regime. ͓S0163-1829͑97͒08211-8͔ I. INTRODUCTION A. Overview