A known challenge in carbonate acid stimulation is achieving a uniform acid distribution in long wells along a heterogeneous reservoir. Completion strategies such as running a limited-entry-liner may not be sufficient to achieve the desired conformance. In recent years, degradable solids have become one of the most common diverters for acid stimulation. However, their behavior in uncemented completions is not well understood. In this study, parallel dual-core flow tests were conducted to evaluate the impact of completion type (cased hole vs. open hole) on diverter efficiency.
In the dual-core flow setup, two limestone cores with a permeability ratio of 30:1 were used, and experiments consisted of three main flow stages. First, 15wt% HCl was injected, which tended to create a wormhole in the high-perm core. A specified volume of a solids diverter slurry was then injected to improve the flow distribution. The final stage consisted of injecting 15wt% HCl until breakthrough. The flow rate of each core was recorded throughout the test to evaluate the diversion effect for both open hole and cased hole completion scenarios. CT scans of both cores were obtained to visualize the wormhole geometry after each acid stage.
Test results showed significantly different diverter performance for the cased hole vs. open hole scenarios, leading to insightful guidelines on diverter efficiency depending on completion type. After the first acid stage, a dominant wormhole was created in the high-perm core only, mainly due to the large permeability ratio. This behavior was very similar for both completion scenarios. In the open-hole test, the diverter formed an external filter cake on the injection face of the high-perm core. The second acid stage easily broke through this external filter cake and continued to propagate the original wormhole. As a result, acid diversion was limited, and a relatively short wormhole was created in the low-perm core. However, in the cased-hole test, a relatively higher volume of diverter entered the perforation / wormhole structure, leading to a more effective diversion and hence a more even stimulation of both cores after the second acid stage was injected.
The large-scale dual core flow setup in this study is the first of its kind and using it in conjunction with the implemented workflow has provided valuable insights into how various completion types will impact solids diverter efficiency during matrix acid stimulation. As completion lengths continue to get longer, a good understanding of solids diverter efficiency, especially for open hole completions currently being implemented in the Middle East, is necessary to develop reliable models that can be used for a more effective treatment design.