Lubricating Oil Contamination 38 Modified Engine Configuration Fuel Storage Stability MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT AND METHODS Test Fuels Test Engine Physical and Chemical Characterization of Test fuels Viscosity 51 Surface tension Specific gravity Caloric heat value i i i page Dynamometer-Engine Instrumentation System Engine performance measurements 62 Exhaust emission data acquisition system 68 Flame ionization analyzer 70 Infrared analyzer 73 Chemiluminescent analyzer Oxygen monitor Smoke meter 77 Engine pressure data acquisition system Pressure transducers Optical encoder Digital oscilloscope Determination of top-dead-center 81 Transducer calibration Experimental Design 84 Data Collection and Management RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Physical and Chemical Characterization of Fuels Fuel composition Kinematic viscosity Surface tension Specific gravity 101 Heating value Cloud and pour points Flash point 105 Carbon residue 106 Ash content 107 Water and sediment 107 Copper corrosion 108 Cetane number 108 Engine Performance Analysis 109 Fuel consumption and brake power (overload) 111 Brake specific fuel consumption