By means of ac magnetic-susceptibility measurements, we find evidence for a new magnetic phase of Tb2Ti2O7 below about 140 mK in zero magnetic field. In magnetic fields parallel to [111], this phase is characterized by frequency-and amplitude-dependent susceptibility and extremely slow spin dynamics. In the zero-temperature limit, it extends to about 67 mT (the internal field Hint ≃ 52 mT), at which it makes transition to another phase. The field dependence of the susceptibility of this second phase, which extends to about 0.60 T (Hint ≃ 0.54 T) in the zero-temperature limit, indicates the presence of a weak magnetization plateau below about 50 mK, as has been predicted by a singletetrahedron four-spin model, suggesting that the second phase is a quantum kagome ice.PACS numbers: 75.30. Kz, 75.40.Cx, 75.40.Gb, 75.50.Lk In rare-earth-titanate pyrochlores, R 2 Ti 2 O 7 , trivalent rare-earth ions R 3+ with eightfold oxygen coordination form a three-dimensional lattice of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Alternatively, these magnetic oxides can be viewed as kagome layers of rare-earth spins coupled via interspacing triangular lattices of rare-earth spins, stacked along the [111] direction. In either view, the geometry leads to frustrated nearest-neighbor exchange interactions, whose interplay with an anisotropy dictated by a local <111> direction, dipole-dipole interaction, and quantum fluctuations in some cases, result in various exotic magnetic ground states In Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7 , no long-range order has been found by muon-spin relaxation (µSR) down to 70 mK and by neutron scattering to 50 mK [8,10], two orders of magnitude lower than the absolute value of the crystal-fieldsubtracted Curie-Weiss temperature, about −13 K or −7.0 K [22,23], raising the possibility that this magnet is a long-sought three-dimensional quantum spin liquid. Indeed, inelastic neutron scattering suggests a crossover from a thermally disordered paramagnet to a spin liquid at about 0.4 K [13]. But a sharp peak in specific heat, suggestive of long-range ordering, has been observed at 0.37 K by a semi-adiabatic method [11], although no peak has been detected by a relaxation method in a different sample [12]. On the other hand, a muon-spin-rotation (µSR) frequency shift in low magnetic fields, 20 mT and 60 mT, applied along the [110] direction suggests a transition at a lower temperature of about 150 mK, a transition which has not been identified [12]. The static magnetic susceptibility of a zero-field-cooled polycrystalline sample in a 1 mT field shows history dependence suggestive of spin-glass behavior below about 100 mK, with an anomaly at about 70 mK interpreted as the spin-glass transition from the high-temperature phase [9].Numerical diagonalization of a single-tetrahedron fourspin model predicts [24,25] that the zero-field ground state of Tb 2 Ti 2 O 7 is a quantum spin liquid, dubbed a quantum spin ice [24,26], which-with low increasing field along the [111] direction-gradually turns into a partially polarized state akin to the kagome-ice sta...