Discoveries of ratios whose values are constant within broad classes of materials have led to many deep physical insights. The Kadowaki-Woods ratio (KWR) 1,2 compares the temperature dependence of a metals resistivity to that of its heat capacity; thereby probing the relationship between the electronelectron scattering rate and the renormalisation of the electron mass. However, the KWR takes very different values in different materials 3,4 . Here we introduce a ratio, closely related to the KWR, that includes the effects of carrier density and spatial dimensionality and takes the same (predicted) value in organic charge transfer salts, transition metal oxides, heavy fermions and transition metalsdespite the numerator and denominator varying by ten orders of magnitude.Hence, in these materials, the same emergent physics is responsible for the mass enhancement and the quadratic temperature dependence of the resistivity and no exotic explanations of their KWRs are required.In a Fermi liquid the temperature dependence of the electronic contribution to the heat capacity is linear, i.e., C el (T ) = γT . Another prediction of Fermi liquid theory 5 is that, at low temperatures, the resistivity varies as ρ(T ) = ρ 0 + AT 2 . This is observed experimentally when electron-electron scattering, which gives rise to the quadratic term, dominates over electron-phonon scattering.Rice observed 1 that in the transition metals A/γ 2 ≈ a T M = 0.4 µΩ cm mol 2 K 2 /J 2 (Fig. 1), even though γ 2 varies by an order of magnitude across the materials he studied. Later, Kadowaki and Woods 2 found that in many heavy fermion compounds A/γ 2 ≈ a HF = 10 µΩ cm mol 2 K 2 /J 2 (Fig. 1), despite the large mass renormalisation which causes γ 2 to vary by more than two orders of magnitude in these materials. Because of this remarkable