An Experimental ThermodYlllLmic ]~quation (ETE) temperature scale valid from 0.2 to 2.0 oK has been calculated for JIe 3 . The scale is based on new compariso Jl s, (P" p.), of Ile3 a nd He' vapor pressures above 0.9 oK; on the 1958 lIe' temperature scale; and on the best available data for several thermodynamic properties of Ile 3 from 0.2 to 2.0 oK.The '1'62 Full-Ran ge Working Equation (F WE) scale,In P 3=-2.49174/ 7' + 4.80386 -0.286001 7' + 0.198608 1'2 -0.0502237 1'3+ 0.00505486 T' + 2.24846 In T fits t he E T E sCRle and the (P 3, 7'58) data and is therefore valid for use from 0.2 to the critical point, 3.324 oK. The maximum de':.iation from the ETE scale is 0.4 mdeg and ~he standard deviation from the input data is 0.21) mdeg. The fit to the seven recalculated Isotherms of K eller in the range of the 1962 Ile 3 scale ean be determined by conver ting Kell er's P,sto equ ivalent P /s, using di rect P, to P3 interpolation equati.ons. The fit of the 19.62 Ile3 scale is as good as the fit of the 1958 11e' scale to the same Isotherms, the ave rage displacements of the two scales both bein g 1.5 mdeg below t he isotherms. The average standard deviations for ( ' 1 ' 62 -'1'iso) and for ( 7\ 8-1'iso) are 1.2 and 1.0 mdeg, respectively, for these seve n isotherms.