The geology of Earth and super-Earth sized planets will, in many cases, only be observable via their atmospheres. Here, we use the creation of volcanic atmospheres as a key window into planetary geochemistry. We couple volcanic outgassing with atmospheric chemistry models to simulate the growth of C-O-H-S-N atmospheres in thermochemical equilibrium, aiming to establish what information about the planet's mantle f O 2 and bulk silicate H/C ratio can be determined by atmospheric observation. Warm (800 K) volcanic atmospheres develop distinct compositional groups as the mantle f O 2 is varied, which can be identified using sets of (often minor) indicator species: Class O, representing an oxidised mantle and containing SO 2 and sulphur allotropes; Class I, formed by intermediate mantle f O 2 's and containing CO 2 , CH 4 , CO and COS; and Class R, produced by reduced mantles, containing H 2 , NH 3 and CH 4 . These atmospheric classes are largely independent of the bulk silicate H/C ratio. However, the H/C ratio does affect the dominant atmospheric constituent, which can vary between H 2 , H 2 O, CO 2 and CH 4 once the chemical composition has stabilised to a point where it no longer changes substantially with time. This final state is dependent on the mantle f O 2 , the H/C ratio, and time since the onset of volcanism. Superchondritic H/C enrichment to the level of Earth (H/C = 0.99 ± 0.42) and higher can only be inferred for planets with reduced mantles producing Class R atmospheres. On warm, volcanically active planets, mantle f O 2 could be identifiable from atmospheric observations using JWST.