The next generation of very-short-baseline reactor experiments will require compact detectors operating at surface level and close to a nuclear reactor. This paper presents a new detector concept based on a composite solid scintillator technology. The detector target uses cubes of polyvinyltoluene interleaved with 6 LiF:ZnS(Ag) phosphor screens to detect the products of the inverse beta decay reaction. A multi-tonne detector system built from these individual cells can provide precise localisation of scintillation signals, making efficient use of the detector volume. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that a neutron capture efficiency of over 70 % is achievable with a sufficient number of 6 LiF:ZnS(Ag) screens per cube and that an appropriate segmentation enables a measurement of the positron energy which is not limited by γ-ray leakage. First measurements of a single cell indicate that a very good neutron-gamma discrimination and high neutron detection efficiency can be obtained with adequate triggering techniques. The light yield from positron signals has been measured, showing that an energy resolution of 14%/ E(MeV) is achievable with high uniformity. A preliminary neutrino signal analysis has been developed, using selection 1 on leave from CEADEN, Havana, Cuba criteria for pulse shape, energy, time structure and energy spatial distribution and showing that an antineutrino efficiency of 40% can be achieved. It also shows that the fine segmentation of the detector can be used to significantly decrease both correlated and accidental backgrounds.Keywords: antineutrino, sterile neutrino, 6 LiF:ZnSThe re-evaluation of reactorν e flux calculations that led to the so-called reactor anomaly [15,16,17] and the recent evidence for a deviation in theν e energy spectrum shape, observed by three short baseline experiments (∼ 1-2 km) [18,19,20], has put our understanding of the reactor flux model into question. New measurements at reactors, at closer distances than ever before, are needed to test possible explanations. The use of a highly segmented detector target to probe small