New experimental observations are reported on the structure and dynamics of short-lived periodic (1, 1) "fishbone"-like oscillations that appear during radio frequency heating and current-drive experiments in tokamak plasmas. For the first time, measurements can directly relate changes in the high energy electrons to the mode onset, saturation, and damping. In the relatively high collisionality of Alcator C-Mod with lower hybrid current drive, the instability appears to be destabilized by the non-resonant suprathermal electron pressure -rather than by wave-particle resonance, rotates toroidally with the plasma and grows independently of the (1, 1) sawtooth crash driven by the thermal plasma pressure. The economic feasibility of a fusion reactor can be measured in terms of β ≡ p/ B 2 /2µ 0 , where p is the plasma pressure and B 2 /2µ 0 is the magnetic field energy density. The presence of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities can distort the orbits of fast ions and electrons compared to the equilibrium, causing an off-axis redistribution of the fusion heating and current density to the detriment of the central β, reducing the fusion power and the production of fast neutrons for tritium breeding. Therefore, understanding the stability and behavior of 3D helical modes in the core of an axisymmetric toroidal configuration remains one of the challenges of fusion research 1-6 . It is doubly significant for burning plasmas such as ITER, where the q = 1 radius that bounds these instabilities may reach half the minor radius.A helical internal kink-like mode 7-9 with dominant poloidal and toroidal mode numbers m = 1, n = 1 has recently been observed in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak 10