Two new species of Dudgeodes Sartori, 2008 and a new species of Teloganodes Eaton, 1882 are described from India; they are Dudgeodes selvakumari Martynov & Palatov, sp. nov. from Himalayan region (Uttarakhand), Dudgeodes molinerii Sivaruban, Martynov, Srinivasan, Barathy & Isack, sp. nov., and Teloganodes barathyae Sivaruban, Martynov, Srinivasan & Isack, sp. nov. from the Tamil Nadu part of the Western Ghats. Thus, for now, the Teloganodidae fauna of India includes 11 species. Dudgeodes selvakumarisp. nov. appears to be significantly extend northward the known distribution of Dudgeodes. Partial COI sequences were used as an initial clustering method to show the relationships of D. selvakumarisp. nov. with other sequenced operational taxonomic units (OTU) of the genus.