The main aim of this article is to know the importance of traditional plant i.e Hyptis Suaveolens. It belong to family Lamiaceace, commonly called as Wialaitis tulsi and it grow on sub-tropic and semi- arid environment. It use broadly and belong to Subkingdom – Tracheobionta, Super kingdom – Spermatophyte , Division – Magnoliophyte, Class – Magnoliopsida, Subclass – Asteridae, Order – Lamiales. Hyptis is widespread in Australia its perennial, annual ,herb or sub-herb. The leaves of Hyptis is opposite and ovate about 2.5 to 10cm in length. The flower is dark purple in color and auxiliary with long stalk, hairy calyx and about 4mm long. The seeds are flat and mucilaginous fruit (nut let) are about 1.2-1.5mm long cure swellings, abscesses and hemorrhoids. In India the plant is considered to be stimulant, \carminative, soporifics and lactogogue.Commonly it is called as Horehound, Pignut, Wild spikenard, Gross Baume, Hyptis odder (French), Alfavaca-brava, Betônica-brava (Portuguese, Brazil), Chao, Hierba de las mules, hortela do campo (Spanish), Wilayati tulsi (Hindi), bhustrena, darp tulas, jungli tulas (Marathi), sirna tulasi (Telugu), bilati tulas .The phytoconstituent present in Hyptis is Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Terpenoid, Phenollic compound.It also shows the pharmacological effect like Anti-cancerous, Anti-microbial,Anti-oxidative, Anti-plasmodic,etc activity.The plant is aromatic.