In this paper, we propose some emerging research direction as a combination of both Object-based Storage (OBS) system and conventional Database technology, grounded on the cutting edge study of OBS system. We've estimated possible needs for OBS on the demand of our database study, and the schedule algorithm within Object Storage Device (OSD) scale, along with a primary principle & analysis of Object-placement after Object-encapsulation of database. Nevertheless, this paper has been presumed as only a nascent issue, rather than a mature one as a combined study of database and Object-based storage technology. The project team I'm working for would therefore carry out more systematic overall study and realization strategies in future, in fields such as the OBS-based database architecture, database object-placement, query & maintain, as well as schedule method within a single OSD, as well as performance comparison with traditional database system. We sincerely look forward to the further development in both areas by the coalition of database and Object-based Storage technology.