In this paper, we explore the use of the DezertSmarandache Theory (DSmT) for seismic and acoustic sensor fusion. The seismic/acoustic data is noisy which leads to classification errors and conflicts in declarations. DSmT affords the redistribution of masses when there is a conflict. The goal of this paper is to present an application and comparison on DSmT with other classifier methods to include the support vector machine(SVM) and DempsterShafer (DS) methods. The work is based on two key references (1) Marco Duarte with the initial SVM classifier application of the seismic and acoustic sensor data and (2) Arnaud Martin in Vol. 3 with the Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rule 5/6 (PCR5/PCR6) developments. By using the developments of Duarte and Martin, we were able to explore the various aspects of DSmT in an unattended ground sensor scenario. Using the receiver operator curve (ROC), we compare the methods for individual classification as well as a measure of overall classification using the area under the curve (AUC). Conclusions of the work show that the DSmT results with a maximum forced choice are comparable to the SVM.