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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES© 2002 SPIE. This work is copyrighted. The United States has for itself and others acting on its behalf an unlimited, paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license. Any other form of use is subject to copyright restrictions.Paper was presented at the Optical Science and Technology (SPIE) Conference, Seattle, WA, 7 July 2002.
ABSTRACTImage segmentation is a process to extract and organize information energy in the image pixel space according to a prescribed feature set. It is often a key preprocess in automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithms. In many cases, the performance of image segmentation algorithms will have significant impact on the performance of ATR algorithms. Due to the variations in feature set definitions and the innovations in the segmentation processes, there is large number of image segmentation algorithms existing in the ATR world. The problem is which image segmentation algorithm performs best for an ATR application. There are a number of measures to evaluate the performance of segmentation algorithms, such as Percentage Pixels Same (pps), Partial Directed Hausdorff (pdh) , and Complex Inner Product (cip). In the research, we found that the combination of the three measures shows effectiveness in the evaluation of segmentation algorithms against truth data (human master segmentation). However, we don't know what are the impact of those measures in the performance of ATR algorithms that are commonly measured by Probability of detection (P Det ), Probability of false alarm (P FA ), Probability of identification (P ID ), etc. In all practical situations, ATR boxes are implemented without human observer in the loop. The performance of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image segmentation should be evaluated in the context of ATR rather than human observers.
Executive SummaryImage segmentation is a process to extract and organize information energy in the image pixel space according to a prescribed feature set. It is often a key preprocess in automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithms. In many cases, the performance of image segmentation algorithms will have significant impact on the performance of ATR algorithms. Due to the variations in feature set definitions and the innovations in the segmentation processes, there is large number of image segmentation algorithms existing in the ATR world. The problem is which i...