A series of silver-activated phosphate glass was prepared by melt quenching method. The effect of silver nanoparticle addition on the phosphate glass microstructure, composition and chemical characteristics was investigated using x-ray diffraction, fourier transform infrared and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Other physical property such as density was also evaluated. The density increased when the amount of silver ions were increased, due to the enhanced formation of non-bridging oxygen. In this study, we discuss the emission mechanism of two radio-photoluminescence peaks at 460 nm and 620 nm, where the electrons and holes produced by γ-irradiation a re-trapped by Ag + ions to produce Ag 0 and Ag 2+ ions respectively, when the Ag + -doped phosphate glass is exposed to γ-ray. We proposed that an emission mechanism of 460 and 620 nm radio-photoluminescence peaks with these Ag 2+ and Ag 0 ions. Furthermore, a correlation between the investigated properties and glass composition is discussed.Keywords: silver nanoparticle, optical and physical properties, radio-photoluminescence glass dosimeter Abstrak Satu siri gelas argentum-aktif fosfat telah dihasilkan menerusi kaedah peleburan. Kesan penambahan nanobahan argentum ke dalam mikrostruktur gelas fosfat, komposisi dan sifat-sifat kimia dikaji dengan menggunakan pembelauan sinar-X, penjelmaan inframerah Fourier dan spektroskopi pendarcahaya. Sifat fizikal yang lain seperti ketumpatan kacaturut dikaji. Ketumpatan kaca bertambah apabila jumlah ion-ion argentum ditingkatkan, disebabkan oleh peningkatan pembentukan oksigen tanpa-hubung. Dalam kajian ini, kami membincangkan mekanisme pemancaran oleh dua puncak radio-pendarcahaya pada jalur 460 nm dan 620 nm, di mana elektron dan lohong yang terhasil daripada sinar-γ diperangkap oleh ion -ion Ag + seterusnya menghasilkan ionion Ag 0 dan Ag
2+, apabila kaca Ag + -aktif fosfat didedahkan kepada sinar-γ. Kami turut membincangkan mekanisme pemancaran bagi setiap puncak radio-pendarcahaya pada jalur 460 dan 620 nm berdasarkan ion -ion Ag 2+ dan Ag 0 berkenaan. Tambahan lagi, hubung kait antara komposisi kaca dan sifat-sifat kaca yang terhasil turut dibincangkan.Kata kunci: nanobahan argentum, sifat fizikal and optik, dosimeter kaca radio-pendarcahaya
Irman et al: EFFECT OF SILVER NANOPARTICLE ADDITION ON THE STRUCTURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIO-PHOTOLUMINESCENCE GLASS DOSIMETER 65Introduction Recent technological applications have generated more interest in the study of glasses especially oxide glasses [1 -6]. Among oxide glasses, phosphate based glasses are particularly attractive due to their ability to accommodate large concentrations of active ions without losing their useful properties of the material [1]. Phosphate glasses are relatively easy to prepare and offers a large range of compositional possibilities, which facilitates in tailoring the physical, chemical and optical properties of interest for specific technological applications [7]. In particular, embedding materials such as metal nanoparticl...