Paraneoplastic Syndrome; It is called a clinical picture that does not occur due to an effect of the primary tumor or its metastases, but consists of signs and symptoms that develop depending on the presence of the tumor. Paraneoplasias can be seen during the course of a tumor with a known presence, as well as being the first and only sign of a hidden tumor that has not emerged clinically, it can help to identify primary cancer at an early stage. Sweet's Syndrome, also called acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis; It is a rare, recurrent inflammatory skin disease characterized by sudden onset, painful, inflammatory papules or nodules with erythematous plaques, fever, joint pain, peripheral leukocytosis and intense neutrophil infiltration in the dermis layer of the skin. Illness; It can be observed as inflammatory bowel disease, infections, secondary to drugs secondary to malignancy (paraneoplastic). In this article, we aimed to present a case of a 69-year-old male patient who was hospitalized with acute rash and fever with a pre-diagnosis of Sweet Syndrome and was diagnosed with metastatic lung carcinoid tumor in the following etiological investigation.