I have learned so much throughout my graduate career. Thank you to my fellow graduate students, lab mates, family and friends. First, thank you to my advisor Craig Ellermeier. You have provided me with support, advice, encouragement to become an independent scientist and gave me the freedom to pursue interesting projects. Also, thank you for not getting mad every time I decorated your office with Iowa Hawkeye décor. To my thesis committee, Tim and David, thank you for your continued encouragement and contribution. To the Ellermeier lab, thank you for your unwavering support. I looked forward to going to lab every day and you made it easy for me to learn and grow. T, thank you for always being available to chat and grab sweet potato fries. Lincoln, Ute, Kelsie and Gabriela, thank you for the conversations that ranged from science, cycling, climbing and sports. To the crystallography core, thank you Sankar and Lokesh for teaching me about protein work and allowing me to ask many questions. To the graduate students, thank you for making my transition into the Microbiology program an easy one. To Kayley, thank you for always having a listening ear and for helping me train for my first 5K. Thank you to everyone in the Microbiology office for your willingness to help. Finally, I would like to thank my family. To my parents Delia and Benigno, my sister Digna, brothers Eduardo and Nino, my many nieces and nephews, and to my fiancé for always encouraging me, even when they had no idea what I was working on.