The paper investigates the significance of language for the cognition of reality by presenting Bakhtin's ideas dedicated to the impact of our cognition on the understanding of the architectonics of qualitative research. The research indicates that in order to become familiar with reality one must deeply investigate and analyse language. The analysis of the language is related to action, context, circumstances and intonations. The investigator's intuition is of no lesser importance, too. Bakhtin suggests searching for the value orientation in the form. He focuses on notional purposes occurring in a word, the problem superimposed on an alien statement and the living of a word in general. Several sub-topics are emphasised while investigating the dialogue-based nature: valorisation of findings; contrasting as a technique; teaching on linguistic centres, meta-linguistic nature of stylistics; and dialogue as a technique. Bakhtin's ideas on discourse research as a method of cognition of reality not only prove the sense of qualitative research in contemporary society, but also deepen the architectonics of the paradigm. * Mokslinis tyrimas finansuojamas Europos socialinio fondo lėšomis pagal priemonės Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K712 veiklą "Mokslininkų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas vykdant aukšto lygio MTEP projektus".