Skeleton extraction from 3D plant point cloud data is an essential prior for myriads of phenotyping studies. Although skeleton extraction from 3D shapes have been studied extensively in the computer vision and graphics literature, handling the case of plants is still an open problem. Drawbacks of the existing approaches include the zigzag structure of the skeleton, nonuniform density of skeleton points, lack of points in the areas having complex geometry structure, and most importantly the lack of biological relevance. With the aim to "correct" an existing coarse skeleton structure, we propose a stochastic framework which is supported by the biological structure of the original plant. Initially we estimate the branching structure of the plant by the notion of β-splines to form a curve tree defined as a finite set of curves joined in a tree topology with certain level of smoothness. In the next phase, we force the discrete points in the curve tree to move towards the original point cloud by treating each point in the cloud as a center of Gaussian, and points in the curve tree as observations from the Gaussians. The task is to find the correct Gaussian centroid for each point. The optimization technique is iterative and is based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. The E-step estimates which Gaussian the observed point cloud was sampled from, and the M-step maximizes the negative log-likelihood that the observed points were sampled from the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with respect to the model parameters. We experiment with several real world and synthetic datasets and demonstrate the robustness of the approach over the state-of-the-art.