“…Early empirical studies in the area of comparative advantage and price competitiveness primarily dealt with two commodities, two countries, and two factors in explaining trade. Some studies went beyond the two factor analysis and incorporated labor productivity, capital output ratio, differences in human capital (Baldwin, Ohlin (1933), Bank of England (1982), and Price Anderton and Dunnett (1987), Durand and Giorno (1987), Fagerberg (1988), Competitiveness Trivedi and Alexander (1988) Broad Schema and Fakiolas (1985), Clegg (1987), Fagerberg (1988, Hilke andNelson (1988), Empirical Studies Inotai (1988), Karunaratne (1988), Porter (1990), Rugman (1991), Bellak (1993), Cartwright (1993, Hodgetts (1993), Rugman and D'Cruz (1993) Strategy and Day and Wensley (1988), Yip (1989), Porter (1985Porter ( , 1990Porter ( , 1991, Grant (1991), Management and D'Cruz and Rugman (1993), Wernerfelt (1984), Mahoney and Pandian Perspective (1992), Peters (1988), Powell (1992aPowell ( , 1992b, Mathur (1992), Williams (1992), Ghoshal and Kim (1986), Parsons (1983), Porter and Millar (1985), Kogut (1985), Mahmoud et al (1987) History, Politics, Aron (1966), Hofstede (1980Hofstede ( , 1983, Ng et al (1982), Kennedy (1987), and Culture …”