This research concentrates on the erosion mechanism of the W 70 Cu 30 anode in DC gaseous arcs. An in situ diagnostic system including the measurement of the anode surface temperature and the fast-imaging of the erosion process was developed. The influence of gas media He, N 2 , H 2 , Ar and current, varying from 50 A to 400 A, was investigated. Two erosion modes were observed, namely an evaporation-dominated mode and a splash-dominated mode. The results indicate that the detachment of the splashing droplet is driven by the explosion of surface bubbles, and it is the surface temperature of the anode that determines the size of the surface bubble as well as the splashing erosion rate. Moreover, the prior vaporization of Cu dispersed in the W 70 Cu 30 anode limits the fusion of the W skeleton but promotes the generation of molten ejections by the explosions of Cu vapor bubbles when the topmost Cu is absent. The large difference between W and Cu in melting and boiling temperatures controls the formation of the molten pool on the W 70 Cu 30 anode and leads to the transition of the two erosion modes. The experimental results contribute to a fundamental understanding of the interaction between thermal plasmas and materials.