Discrete element method (DEM) numerical biaxial tests on samples with different particle shapes are performed to investigate how the multiscale evolves with varying particle shape. The samples used in such simulations are composed of circular, square, and elongated particles, respectively. For the numerical results, analyses are conducted in terms of microscopic evolution, i.e. particle rotation and evolution of fabric, and mesoscopic evolution, i.e. the evolution of loops and improved clustering coefficient. At the microscale, the mean particle rotation of circular particles is remarkably larger than those of square and elongated particles, and the shear band localization phenomenon is more obvious when the aspect ratio (AR) decreases. Considering the fabric evolving with particle shape, the value of anisotropy gradually increases when particle shape becomes irregular, and contacts of circular particles are pronouncedly less than those of irregular particles from the coordination number and curves of degree distribution. At the mesoscale, when the particle relationship is considered, the isotropic particles (i.e. circular and square particles) have similar evolutions of loops and modified clustering coefficient, whereas the elongated particles have remarkable three loops and modified clustering coefficient, which are both larger than those of isotropic particles.