The elastic constant C of pure solid C 60 , measured at low frequencies with a dynamical mechanical analyzer, exhibits in the vicinity of the order-disorder phase transition at T c ϭ260 K a qualitatively different type of behavior. Besides the expected negative dip, an additional positive peak appears close to T c in the real part of C, resulting in a double anomaly. The experiments show that this hardening is due to a slow relaxational process. Within the macroscopic Landau theory we discuss possible origins of this unusual effect. We present a qualitative description based on the heat-diffusion central-peak model, which describes lowfrequency dynamics near phase transitions. Extending this model with a critically temperature-dependent thermal diffusion time, we can explain the double anomaly by a crossover from isothermal to adiabatic behavior and back. The difference between the two limits arises due to a coupling between the fluctuations in order parameter and in temperature.