A catalogue is given of the 179 known galaxies within 10 Mpc. The inclusion of a galaxy depends on its redshift (vo 5 500 km s-l) or, in the case of 7 dwarf galaxies, on the fact that their distances are known to be small. The catalogue contains in addition 52 more distant galaxies with vo 5 500 km s-l: 50 are bona fide Virgo cluster members and 2 are members of the Leo group. Positions, types, absorption-corrected luminosities, and velocities are given for the catalogue galaxies. The catalogue is believed t o be nearly complete for galaxies brighter than --18Lf5. but i t contains also many considerably fainter galaxies. The galaxies within 10 Mpc form the Local Group with 28 members and seven additional groups with a total of 92 known members. 59 galaxies (33%) do not seem to belong to any group.Der Katalog e n t M t die 179 bekannten Galaxien innerhalb 10 Mpc. Die Aufnahme einer Galrtvie hangt von ihrer Rotverschiebung (vo 5 500 km s-9 oder im Falle von 7 Zwerggalaxien von deren bekannter geringer Entfernung ab. Der Katalog enthiilt weiterhin 52 entferntere Galaxien mit vo 5 500 km s-l; davon sind 50 bona fide Mitglieder des Virgohaufens und z gehoren zur Leo-Gruppe. Position, Typ, wegen Absorption korrigierte Helligkeit und Geschwindigkeit sind far jede Galaxie gegeben. Man darf annehmen, daD der Katalog ftir Galaxien heller als -18.5ter GrdBe nahezu komplett ist, jedoch enthalt er auch viele wesentlich schwachere Galaxien. Die Galaxien innerhalb 10 Mpc bilden die lokale Gruppe mit 28 Mitgliedern und 7 weitere Gruppen mit einer Gesamtzahl von 92 bekannten Mitgliedern. 59 Galaxien (33%) scheinen zu keiner Gruppe zu gehbren.The present catalogue represents the first attempt at compiling a distance-limited sample of galaxies. It compiles all galaxies known within 10 Mpc.Lacking accurate distance information for most galaxies recession velocities v, (corrected for solar motion) are actually used as selection criterium instead of distances. Hence the catalogue contains all galaxies with v, 5 500 km s-l (H, = 50 km s-l Mpc-l).The substitution of distances by recession velocities is justified in view of the small peculiar velocities of galaxies. The mean radial component of the peculiar motions of nearby field and group galaxies is 5 50 km s-l (TULLY and FISHER, 1978; TAMMANN and KRAAN, 1978), -therefore the substitution of distances by recession velocities introduces a mean distance error of only 5 10 percent at the catalogue limit.There is one important exception, where the assumption of small peculiar motions does not apply: Virgo cluster members, which populate the low-velocity tail of the cluster velocity distribution ((vo)virp0 = 1050 km s-l, uvirgo = 690 km s-l; cf. SANDAGE and TAMMANN, 1978), do enter the present catalogue, although their distance is, of course, much larger than 10 Mpc. 50 galaxies in the present catalogue can be identified as almost certain lowvelocity Virgo cluster members, because they are densely clumped within a circle around the cluster center with a radius of only 4?8! These 50 Virgo c...