Phonon dispersion of detwinned NiO is measured using inelastic x-ray scattering. It is found that, near the zone center, the energy of the transverse-optical-phonon mode polarized parallel to the antiferromagnetic order is ϳ1 meV lower than that of the mode polarized perpendicular to the order, at room temperature. This is explained via anisotropic polarization of the Ni and O atoms, as confirmed using a Berry's phase approach with first-principles calculations. Our explanation avoids an apparent contradiction in previous discussions focusing on Heisenberg interaction.Transition-metal mono-oxides are fundamental materials for studying properties of magnetic and strongly correlated systems. Among them, NiO and MnO are antiferromagnetic ͑AFM͒ insulators with similar crystal structure and physical properties. The AFM order and lattice contraction occur along the ͓111͔ direction below the Néel temperature ͑T N = 523 K for NiO͒. The order consists of ferromagnetic ͑111͒ planes. Above T N , both have a rocksalt structure. NiO and MnO are relatively simple, because they have nondegenerate electronic ground states, and are free from Jahn-Teller effects, unlike FeO and CoO. 1 The magnetism of these materials is often discussed in terms of a superexchange mechanism. MnO has antiferromagnetic interactions both in the nearest-neighbor ͑J 1 ͒ and next-nearest-neighbor ͑J 2 ͒ exchanges, and these interactions reproduce the experimental results. 2,3 On the other hand, J 1 for NiO still remains uncertain, perhaps because it is much smaller than the antiferromagnetic superexchange J 2 interaction, which is responsible for the AFM order. For example, local spin-density approximation ͑LSDA͒ + U calculations give ferromagnetic J 1 ͑Ref. 3͒ while some calculations such as GW show antiferromagnetic J 1 . 4 Experimentally, a measurement of spin-wave dispersion indicates ferromagnetic J 1 ͑Ref. 5͒ while one of magnetic susceptibility suggests antiferromagnetic J 1 . 6 Another issue is that LSDA+ U calculation results are not easily reconciled with the exchange-interaction picture of NiO. According to Refs. 2 and 7, the lattice distortion is dominated by J 1 with no contribution from J 2 , and antiferromagnetic J 1 causes the contraction in ͓111͔, if ͉J 1 ͉ decreases with increasing the distance between the nearest-neighbor Ni atoms. Based on this discussion, the calculated ferromagnetic J 1 ͑Ref. 3͒ is not consistent with the calculated 8 ͑and observed͒ contraction in NiO, suggesting an additional ingredient is needed to understand the calculation results.The energy of transverse optical ͑TO͒ phonons can be used as a direct probe of microscopic coupling; 9 TO modes that would be degenerate in a cubic rocksalt structure, are split at the zone center under the AFM order, with the energy of the mode polarized along the order ͑E ʈ TO ͒ different than that of the mode polarized in the plane perpendicular to the order ͑E Ќ TO ͒. As discussed in Ref. 3 the sign of this difference ͑E ʈ TO − E Ќ TO ͒ can be linked to the sign of J 1 . The pict...