Diode-pumped solid-state micro lasers are compact (centimetre-scale), highly stable, and efficient. Previously, we reported Q-switched lasers incorporating rare-earth substituted iron garnet (RIG) film. Here, the first demonstration of the magnetooptical (MO) Q-switch in an Nd:YAG laser cavity is performed. We fabricate a quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser cavity, which is shortened to 10 mm in length and which contains an RIG film and a pair of small coils. This cavity yields a 1,064.58-nm-wavelength pulse with 25-ns duration and 1.1-kW peak power at a 1-kHz repetition ratio. Further, the polarisation state is random, due to the isotropic crystal structure of Nd:YAG and the fact that the MO Q-switch incorporating the RIG film does not require the presence of polarisers in the cavity. This is also the first report of an MO Q-switch producing random polarisation.Since their initial development, lasers have been implemented as irreplaceable components of various applications, e.g., mass spectrometers 1 , laser machining devices 2-5 , car ignition plugs 6,7 , satellite propulsion devices [8][9][10] , and medical equipment 11,12 . In particular, the Q-switching technique allows solid-state lasers to generate a short, high-powered pulse output [13][14][15] , which is crucial for the above applications.Previously, we proposed a magnetooptical (MO) Q-switch composed of a ferrimagnetic rare-earth substituted iron garnet (RIG) film and small coils 16,17 . Magnetic garnets are well known for their large MO effects and high transmittance in the near-infrared region 18,19 . However, although RIGs have potential use in optical applications such as two-dimensional integrated arrays 20 and storage media 21 , there are few reports of Q-switches employing these materials. In one of our previous studies, we demonstrated the MO Q-switch in a diode-pumped Nd:GdVO 4 laser system and showed the potential of this Q-switch, for which a notably compact system size was obtained (cavity length L: 10 mm). Note that such a small L is impossible using other active Q-switches, for example, electro-optic (EO) 22 and acousto-optic (AO) 23 Q-switches. EO Q-switches require a cubic polariser in the cavity and a high-voltage power supply for operation, whereas the AO module in an AO Q-switch cannot be made appropriately small to yield sufficient interaction and radio-frequency (RF) power supply for operation. Therefore, it is difficult to miniaturise L or the entire laser system for these Q-switches. As higher output photon densities can be achieved for Q-switched lasers with shorter length L 14,24 , diode-pumped solid-state micro lasers having L values of millimetre order are attracting interest.Although the compactness of the MO Q-switched laser incorporating RIG film was demonstrated previously, the output peak power remained small. Therefore, in this paper, a quasi-continuous-wave (QCW) 25,26 pumping technique using pulsed pumping light is employed to provide higher pump energy to the lasing material. In addition and for the...