The challenge of one-dimensional systems is to understand their physics beyond the level of known elementary excitations. By high-resolution neutron spectroscopy in a quantum spin-ladder material, we probe the leading multiparticle excitation by characterizing the two-magnon bound state at zero field. By applying high magnetic fields, we create and select the singlet (longitudinal) and triplet (transverse) excitations of the fully spin-polarized ladder, which have not been observed previously and are close analogs of the modes anticipated in a polarized Haldane chain. Theoretical modeling of the dynamical response demonstrates our complete quantitative understanding of these states. , and ultracold atoms [5]. Looking forward, the next frontier is to understand and control the physics of these systems on all energy scales, including their multiparticle excitations and topological states.Quantum magnets provide an excellent arena not only for quantitative measurements of the strongly correlated quantum wave function but also for its systematic control by applied external parameters [6][7][8]. Among the systems whose elementary magnetic excitations are already well characterized, one key model is the S ¼ 1=2 "ladder," consisting of two coupled spin chains [9], with detailed experimental studies performed on genuine ladder materials including La 4 Sr 10 Cu 24 O 41 [10], ðC 5 H 12 NÞ 2 CuBr 4 (BPCB) [11][12][13][14][15][16][17], and ðC 7 H 10 NÞ 2 CuBr 4 (DIMPY) [18][19][20][21]. The ladder has many parallels to another cornerstone model, the Haldane (S ¼ 1) chain [22,23], and significant progress has been made in calculating the dynamical response of both systems [24]. However, genuine Haldane materials with accessible energy scales have proven difficult to find [25][26][27], and thus the response in strong magnetic fields remains an open problem [28,29].In this Letter, we report on measurements of single-and multimagnon excitations in the spin ladder bis-piperidinium copper tetrachloride (BPCC). By exploiting the elegant parity selectivity of the ladder geometry, at zero field we demonstrate the presence of a strong two-magnon boundstate triplet over half of the Brillouin zone and quantify its spectral weight. At high fields, we demonstrate the selection criteria for the singlet excitation, or amplitude mode, of the fully field-polarized (FP) phase, as well as for its triplet (transverse) mode. Both are unknown in a conventional ferromagnet and have direct analogs in the FP Haldane chain. By detailed analytical and numerical modeling, we describe our intensity measurements with quantitative accuracy.The spin ladder has two basic magnetic interactions, the rung (J r ) and leg (J l ) couplings, and one ratio, γ ¼ J l =J r . BPCB (γ ≃ 0.26) and DIMPY (γ ≃ 1.7) exemplify contrasting regimes of ladder behavior. The deuterated chloride analog of BPCB, ðC 5 D 12 NÞ 2 CuCl 4 (BPCC) crystallizes in the same monoclinic space group, P2 1 =c, shown in Fig. S1 of the Supplemental Material (SM) [30]. Two halide bridges between p...