Several quantum paramagnets exhibit magnetic field-induced quantum phase transitions to an antiferromagnetic state that exists for Hc1 ≤ H ≤ Hc2. For some of these compounds, there is a significant asymmetry between the low-and high-field transitions. We present specific heat and thermal conductivity measurements in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, together with calculations which show that the asymmetry is caused by a strong mass renormalization due to quantum fluctuations for H ≤ Hc1 that are absent for H ≥ Hc2. We argue that the enigmatic lack of asymmetry in thermal conductivity is due to a concomitant renormalization of the impurity scattering. PACS numbers: 75.10.Jm, 75.40.Cx The correspondence between a spin system and a gas of bosons has been very fruitful for describing field-induced ordered phases in a large class of quantum paramagnets [1][2][3][4][5]. In this analogy, a magnetic field H plays the role of the chemical potential, which, upon reaching a critical value H c1 , induces a T = 0 Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), provided that the number of bosons is conserved, the kinetic energy is dominant, and the spatial dimension d > 1. Such a BEC state corresponds to a canted XY magnetic ordering of the spins.At the BEC quantum critical point (QCP), the low-energy bosonic excitations have a quadratic dispersion ω = k 2 /2m * , where m * is the effective mass. This mass is renormalized by quantum fluctuations in the paramagnetic phase H ≤ H c1 . In magnets with H c1 H c2 the renormalization can be expected to be very strong because of the proximity to the magnetic instability. The transition at H c1 should be contrasted with the second BEC-QCP that takes place at the saturation field H c2 [6]. Since the field induced magnetization is a conserved quantity, there are no quantum fluctuations and no mass renormalization for the fully polarized phase above H c2 , i.e., the bare mass m can be obtained from the single-particle excitation spectrum at H ≥ H c2 . Thus, quantum paramagnets are ideal for studying mass renormalization effects because the effective and the bare bosonic masses can be obtained from two different QCP's that occur in the same material.Here we present theoretical and experimental evidence for a strong mass renormalization effect, m/m * 3, in NiCl 2 -4SC(NH 2 ) 2 [referred to as DTN]. We will show that the large asymmetry between the peaks in the low-temperature specific heat, C v (H), in the vicinity of H c1 and H c2 is closely described by analytical and Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations. The mass renormalization also explains similar asymmetries observed in other properties of DTN, such as magnetization [7], electron spin resonance [8], sound velocity [9,10], and magnetostriction [11]. In a remarkable contrast to these properties, peaks in the low-temperature thermal conductivity, κ, near H c1 and H c2 do not show any substantial asymmetry. We provide an explanation to this dichotomy by demonstrating that the leading boson-impurity scattering amplitude is also renormalized by quantum fluctuation...