The scaling behavior over four decades of the ratio of temperature T to magnetic field B observed in the magnetization in β-YbAlB 4 is theoretically examined. By developing a theoretical framework that exhibits the quantum critical phenomena of Yb-valence fluctuations under a magnetic field, we show that the T/B-scaling behavior can appear near the quan- Quantum critical phenomena in itinerant electron systems that do not follow the conventional spin-fluctuation theory [1][2][3][4] have attracted attention in condensed matter physics. 5) The heavy-electron metal β-YbAlB 4 has recently attracted great interest since the unconventional quantum criticality, such as the magnetic susceptibility χ ∼ T −0.5 , the electronic specific-heat coefficient C e /T ∼ − log T , and approximately T -linear resistivity, has been observed at low temperatures at least below 3 K down to a few hundred mK. 6,7) Interestingly, from the magnetization data for T < ∼ 3 K and the magnetic field B < ∼ 2 T, in β-YbAlB 4 it has been discovered that the magnetic susceptibility χ shows the following T/B scaling behavior over four decades of T/B:where µ B and k B are the Bohr magneton and Boltzmann constant, respectively, and ϕ is the function ϕ(x) = Λ(Γ 2 + x 2 ) 1/4 with Λ and Γ being constants. 7) Namely, χ −1 /(µ B B) 1/2 is expressed as a single scaling function of the ratio T/B.This striking behavior of Eq. (1) calls for theoretical explanation, and it has so far been proposed that anisotropic hybridization between f and conduction electrons is the key origin