Many current technological devices consist of layered or sandwich structures, the thickness of whose composite layers is either already in the nanometer (10 Å) range or in the process of shrinking into the nanometer range. These devices include transistors in integrated circuits, solid-state lasers, and magnetic elements for storing information and for reading it out. Such interfaces may exhibit intermixing of the components on either side and/or roughness, as well as altered chemical states or states of magnetic order, and their exact nature can affect ultimate properties such as electrical conductivity or magnetic stability in a profound way. As one example of such nanostructures in magnetism, the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) is based on the change in resistance in a sandwich structure consisting of alternating non-magnetic and magnetic layers upon being exposed to an external magnetic field 1,2 . GMR is today used routinely in the read heads for highest density information storage, where it is usually combined with another interface-driven effect, exchange Some of these questions can be answered at least partially using currently available methods, and we briefly mention a few of these. One powerful method is scanning transmission electron 2 microscopy (STEM) with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) 5 , but this technique requires specialized sample slicing and thinning and thus cannot be considered non-destructive, and in its most sophisticated element-specific form with EELS still cannot provide both element specificity and magnetic sensitivity at the sub-nanometer scale. . Hard x-rays in the 5-10 keV can be reflected from buried interfaces and planar multilayer nanostructures so as to set up standing waves that may permit depth-dependent composition, structure, and, via variable light polarization or magnetization direction, also magnetism near buried interfaces to be derived 6,7 . But these hard x-ray measurements are limited as to both energy resolution and spectroscopic characterization, and also may due to their shorter wavelengths (∼1-2 Å) exhibit interference structures from atomic lattice planes that can be much smaller than the nanometer scale it is desired to probe. Another method uses total reflection of soft xrays in the 0.5-1.5 keV range from a buried interface by tuning the photon energy to a core-level absorption edge 8 , and this can determine both chemical and magnetic roughness by working with both right and left circularly polarized radiation (RCP and LCP, respectively) and/or flipping the sample magnetization between two orientations 1 and 2 and measuring a magnetic asymmetry in diffuseHowever, this method does not permit detailed spectroscopic studies (e.g. via photoelectron emission) of the buried interface. Finally, soft x-ray spectromicroscopy using secondary electrons as the detecting medium can achieve some sensitivity to buried interfaces, provided that there are sufficient chemical fingerprints in the x-ray absorption signal to deconvolve the interface contrib...