By the use of the latest experimental data on the spectra of 133 Sb and 131 Sn and on the analysis of properties of other odd nuclei adjacent to doubly magic closed shells the isospin dependence of a mean spin-orbit potential is defined. Such a dependence received the explanation in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Recent experimental results [1-3] on nuclei close to 132 Sn have lead to the determination of a nearly complete set of neutron and proton single-particle orbitals and to the establishment of some of their important statical and dynamical properties. In particular, the new results [2] for 133 Sb include information on energies of proton single particle states above the Z = 50, N = 82 shells as well as important knowledge about the decay properties of these states. In view of new data on single particle levels at 132 Sn we performed an analysis [4] of the available information on such states in strongly magical nuclides, with special attention to the magnitudes of the spin-orbit splittings and their isospin dependence. This question is important since such a dependence could be one of the factors contributing to significant structural changes in nuclides having an extreme neutron excess.In [2] the energy of the 3/2 + level in 133 Sb was measured to be 2.44 MeV. By using this value and also the previous data on the spectrum of single particle excitations in nuclei close to 132 Sn (see [1] and [5][6][7][8]) the values of spin-orbit splittings of the 2d levels both in proton and neutron systems of 132 Sn were defined. The splitting was found to be 1.48 MeV for protons and 1.65 MeV for neutrons, i.e. the neutron spin-orbit splitting is somewhat larger for neutrons than for protons. At the same time it was noted in [2] that for nuclei close to 208 Pb the situation is the opposite, in any case for the first glance. So, from the spectra of single particle levels in 209 Bi and 207 Pb it follows that the spin-orbit splitting of the proton 2f orbit is equal to 1.93 MeV, while for neutrons it is 1.77 MeV. However it follows from the experiment that the neutron 2f 7/2 state in 207 Pb is strongly fragmented. So, the conclusions of the work [2] refer only to the lowest, though the strongest component of this state. Identifying in the spirit of [9], [10] the true single particle energy of the 2f 7/2 state with the weighted average of 7/2 − energy levels, the weight being the spectroscopic factors of the (d,t) reaction on 208 Pb [11], we obtain the real excitation energy of this state equal to 2.70 MeV (instead of 2.34 MeV). This corresponds to the value of neutron spin-orbit splitting of the 2f orbit equal to 2.13 MeV, i.e. as for the 2d orbit in 132 Sn a little larger than that for protons. The above statement is fortified by the analysis of the 3p spin-orbit splitting near 208 Pb. Such a splitting is equal to 0.85 MeV for protons (taking into account the fragmentation of 3p1/2 level) while for neutrons it is 0.90 MeV, i.e. a little larger than for protons. The systematics of single particle energies ...