Paleomagnetic analysis of the Mealy diabase dykes of Labrador reveals magnetizations that predate the Grenville event at about 1000 Ma. These dykes intrude the Mealy Mountains anorthositic complex in the Grenville Structural Province. They are well south of the Grenville Front Tectonic Zone, but were apparently never subjected to temperatures as high as 500°C during their post-consolidation history.Four distinct magnetic components were uncovered by thermal and alternating field treatments and a fifth remained unresolved. The major magnetic mineral present, titanomagnetite, is thought to record two magnetic directions acquired during cooling from magmatic temperatures. These are B ( D = 305", 1 = -76"; N = 18 sites; K = 12; ag5 = 1 lo) and A ( D = 095", 1 = $52'; N = 20 sites; K = 46; (u95 = 5"). Component B has much within-site dispersion. The other two components, C ( D = 274", I = -47"; N = 10 sites; K = 15; = 13') and D ( D = 292', 1 = -74"; K = 5; ag5 = 31°), probably reside in magnetite and pyrrhotite, respectively. Component C , antiparallel to A, was probably acquired at about the same time as A. We suggest that C and A represent the first stable magnetizations retained by the dykes following an extensive period of cooling and re-equilibration of the magnetic minerals. Components B and D , which agree in direction, represent a later stage of cooling.Component B has a pole at 14g0E, 34"s (Sp = 18", Sm = 19") in agreement with regional metamorphic poles from the Grenville; A, however, has a pole at 173OW, 23% (Sp = 5", Sm = 7"), which apparently "sees through" the peak in Grenville activity. The A site poles have a linear distribution along the Keweenawan Track and probably relate to an age between 1000 and 1150 Ma.L'ktude pal6omagnCtique des dykes de diabase de Mealy au Labrador indiquent des aimantations qui antidatent l'kvtnement du Grenville B environ 1000 Ma. Ces dykes @nttrent dans le complexe anorthositique des montagnes Mealy de la province structurale du Grenville. 11s sont localisks bien au sud de la zone tectonique du front du Grenville, mais selon toute apparence ils n'ont pas kt6 soumis B des temphatures pouvant dkpasser 500°C depuis leur consolidation.Quatre composantes magnktiques distinctes sont dkduites des traitements thermiques et de champ altematif et une cinquitme demeure non-rksolue. Le principal mineral magnktique present, la titanomagnktite, semble porter deux directions magnktiques acquises lors du refroidissement magmatique. Elles sont B ( D = 305", I = -76"; N = 18 sites: K = 12; a95 = 1 lo) et A ( D = 095", I = +52"; N = 20 sites; K = 46; ag5 = 5"). La composante B est bien A l'intkrieur des sites de dispersion. Les deux autres composantes C ( D = 274", 1 = -47"; N = 10 sites; K = 15; ass = 13") et D ( D = 292', 1 = -74"; K = 5; a95 = 31") sont probablement portkes respectivement par la magnktite et la pyrrhotite. La composante C , antiparalble B A, fut probablement acquise plus ou moins simultankment A A. Nous suggkrons que C et A repdsentent les premieres aimantations stables r...