Cavity measurements of a high frequency ͑60 GHz͒ electron spin resonance ͑ESR͒ have been carried our for a single crystal of EuB 6 at temperatures 4.2-50 K in magnetic field up to 7 T, which has been aligned along ͓001͔ crystallographic direction. It is found that in the case of homogeneous magnetic field in the sample the ESR spectrum of EuB 6 is formed by a single line at all temperatures including the ferromagnetic ordering region, whereas the gradient of magnetic field in the samples induces double peak ESR structure at low temperatures. For the quantitative description of the ESR line shape we suggested an analytical approach applicable for the cavity measurements of a metal with an arbitrary value of magnetic permeability including strongly magnetic case and obtained full set of the ESR parameters, namely oscillating magnetization M 0 , g factor, and linewidth. Our analysis has explained the visible resonance line shift and revealed the coincidence of the oscillating magnetization defining the resonance amplitude with the static magnetization. The anomalous growth of the linewidth below Curie temperature T C Ϸ 15 K is observed. We argue that ESR in EuB 6 is not considerably affected by either interaction with the spin polarons or the magnetic phase separation and reflects merely the oscillation of the Eu 2+ localized magnetic moments, which can be well understood within meanfield approximation.