Effect of pressure on magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles, based on Prussian blue analogues, were studied in pressures up to 1.2 GPa. The Mn 3 [Cr(CN) 6 ] 2 · nH 2 O and Ni 3 [Cr(CN) 6 ] 2 · nH 2 O nanoparticles were prepared by reverse micelle technique. Transmission electron microscopy images show nanoparticles with average diameter of about 3.5 nm embedded in an organic matrix. The characteristic X-ray peaks of nanoparticles are more diffused and broader. Systems of nanoparticles behave as systems of interacting magnetic particles. The Curie temperature TC is reduced from T C = 56 K for Ni-Prussian blue analogues to T C = 21 K for Ni-nanoparticles system and from TC = 65 K for Mn-Prussian blue analogues to T C = 38 K for Mn-nanoparticles system. One can explain this reduction of the Curie temperature and of the saturated magnetization µs by dispersion of nanoparticles in an organic matrix i.e. by a dilution effect. Applied pressure leads to a remarkable increase in T C for system of Mn-nanoparticles (∆T C /∆p = +13 K/GPa) and to only slight decrease in T C for system of Ni-nanoparticles (∆T C /∆p = −3 K/GPa). The pressure effect follows behavior of the mother Prussian blue analogues under pressure. The increase in saturated magnetization, attributed to compression of the organic matrix, is very small.