The large-scale compositional structures of planets are primarily established during early global differentiation. Advances in analytical geochemistry, the increasing diversity of extraterrestrial samples, and new paleomagnetic data are driving major changes in our understanding of the nature and timing of these early melting processes. In particular, paleomagnetic studies of chondritic and small-body achondritic meteorites have revealed a diversity of magnetic field records. New, more sensitive and highly automated paleomagnetic instrumentation and an improved understanding of meteorite magnetic properties and the effects of shock, weathering, and other secondary processes are permitting primary and secondary magnetization components to be distinguished with increasing confidence. New constraints on the post-accretional histories of meteorite parent bodies now suggest that, contrary to early expectations, few if any meteorites have been definitively shown to retain records of early solar and protoplanetary nebula magnetic fields. However, recent studies of pristine samples coupled with new theoretical insights into the possibility of dynamo generation on small bodies indicate that some meteorites retain records of internally generated fields. These results indicate that some planetesimals formed metallic cores and early dynamos within just a few million years of solar system formation.