The extent of softening during biomass pyrolysis is of
high importance
for fundamentals and reactors design but was not yet quantified in
situ. We provide the first in situ rheology and 1H NMR
analysis during the pyrolysis of biomass (Miscanthus), microgranular
cellulose, ethanol organosolv lignin, and xylan. In situ rheology
reveals the viscoelastic behavior of the materials. The softening,
resolidification (char formation), swelling, and shrinking behaviors
are quantified during pyrolysis in real-time. These phenomena are
discussed. The 1H NMR analysis gives the mobility of protons
developed during pyrolysis. A viscous and mobile material is formed
during cellulose and xylan pyrolysis, even at a slow heating rate
(5 K min–1), by products at liquid phase under reaction
temperatures. For lignin, a soft material and mobility are first formed
by glass transition phase, then overlapped with covalent bond scission,
leading to a completely mobile material. The comparison between 1H NMR and rheology results shows that mobile liquid-like products
are trapped inside elastic solid-like cavities. Strong interactions
between polymers in the native biomass network are evidenced. Cellulose
tends to impose its visco-elastic behaviors to the polymers network
during biomass pyrolysis. Rheological signatures are also of practical
interest to design feeders and reactors for polymers biosourcing,
biomass gasification, or combustion.