In Braginskii extended magneto-hydrodynamics (ExMHD), applicable to collisional astrophysical and high energy density plasmas, the electric field and heat flow are described by the α, β and κ transport coefficients. We show that magnetic transport relies primarily on β − β ⊥ and α ⊥ − α , rather than α ⊥ and β ⊥ themselves. However, commonly used coefficient fit functions [Epperlein and Haines, Phys. Fluids 29, 1029 (1986)] cannot accurately calculate these quantities. This means that many ExMHD simulations have significantly overestimated the cross-gradient Nernst advection, resulting in artificial magnetic dissipation and discontinuities. We repeat the kinetic analysis to provide fits that rectify this problem. Use of these in the Gorgon ExMHD code resolves the known discrepancies with kinetic simulations in the literature. Recognizing the fundamental importance of α ⊥ − α and β − β ⊥ , we re-cast the set of coefficients to find that each of them now shares the same underlying properties. This makes explicit the symmetry of the magnetic and thermal transport equations, as well as the symmetry of the coefficients themselves.Treatment of collisional magnetized plasma with the electron-ion two-fluid approach leads to a theory of magnetic transport 1 as a function of the fluid properties. This collisional extended magneto-hydrodynamic (ExMHD) theory is based on the assumption that, since electrons are much lighter than the ions, they will quickly form a sheath around the ion fluid. The electric field E of this sheath leads to transport of the magnetic field. In ideal MHD, E = 0 in the fluid rest frame. This implies that the magnetic field B is simply advected with the fluid flow, although advection along B has no effect.Other processes in the electron momentum equation, however, lead to greater complexity. Coulomb collisions give rise to Ohmic resistance. Electron temperature gradients produce thermoelectric forces, since hotter electrons are less susceptible to collisions. Subsequently, it was recognized 1 that the resistive and thermoelectric processes should be described by tensors dependent on the direction of B. Typically, ExMHD modelling uses an implementation given in ref. 2 , in which E was numerically calculated from kinetic theory and then fitted with tabulated functions for the resistive (α , α ⊥ , α ∧ ) and thermoelectric (β , β ⊥ , β ∧ ) transport coefficients. The transport coefficients describe how currents and heat flux are inhibited and deflected by the magnetic field 3 .These additional ExMHD effects are most important in high energy density (HED) plasmas such as Z-pinches 4 , laser plasmas 3,5 , fast ignition fusion concepts 6 , dense fusion fuel hot-spots 7 and laser ablation fronts 8 . The ExMHD magnetic field advection can greatly exceed that due to the ideal advection with the fluid 9 . Studies using the ExMHD codes Gorgon 7 and Hydra 10 found that heat insulation from self-generated magnetic fields can significantly change HED plasma temperature profiles. Accurate transport coefficients are ...