We present time-resolved measurements of gigahertz-scale magnetic dynamics caused by torque from a spin-polarized current. By working in the time domain, we determined the motion of the magnetic moment throughout the process of spin-transfer-driven switching, and we measured turn-on times of steady-state precessional modes. Time-resolved studies of magnetic relaxation allow for the direct measurement of magnetic damping in a nanomagnet and prove that this damping can be controlled electrically using spin-polarized currents.Spin-polarized electrons traversing a ferromagnet can transfer spin-angular momentum to the local magnetization, thereby applying a torque that may produce magnetic reversal or steady-state precession (1, 2). This spintransfer mechanism allows nanomagnets to be manipulated without magnetic fields, and it is the subject of extensive research for applications in nonvolatile memory, programmable logic, and microwave oscillators (3-11). However, the gigahertz-scale magnetic dynamics that can be driven by spin transfer have previously been measured using only frequency-domain techniques (12-16). Here we report direct time-resolved studies of dynamics excited by spin-transfer torques. By working in the time domain, we are able to characterize the full time-dependent magnetic response to pulses of spin-polarized currents, including transient dynamics. These measurements allow a direct view of the process of spin-transfer-driven magnetic reversal, and they determine the possible operating speeds for practical spin-transfer devices. The results provide rigorous tests of theoretical models for spin transfer (1, 9, 17-19) and strongly support the spin-torque model (1, 18) over competing theories that invoke magnetic heating (9, 20).We studied nanopillar-shaped samples consisting of two 4-nm-thick permalloy (Py K Ni 80 Fe 20 ) ferromagnetic layers separated by an 8-nm-thick Cu spacer layer (Fig. 1A, inset). Both Py layers and the Cu spacer were etched to have an elliptical area of approximately 130 Â 60 nm. Current flows perpendicular to the layers through Cu electrodes. The relative angle between the magnetic moments of the Py layers was detected by changes in the sample resistance due to the giant magnetoresistance effect. For time-resolved measurements on subnanosecond scales, signal-to-noise considerations require averaging over multiple signal traces. If the signal is oscillatory, the phase of the oscillations has to be the same in each trace or else the signal will be lost in averaging (21). This requires that the samples be engineered so that the initial (equilibrium) angle between the magnetic moments of the two layers, q 0 , is different from zero and is well controlled. Our devices were specially designed to provide this control. The equilibrium orientation of our top free-layer Py moment was governed primarily by the shape anisotropy of the elliptical device. We exchange-biased the bottom layer at an angle of 45-to the top layer easy axis using an 8-nm-thick antiferromagnetic Ir 20 Mn 80 underl...