We report first thermodynamic measurements of the temperature derivative of chemical potential (∂µ/∂T ) in two-dimensional (2D) electron systems. In order to test the technique we have chosen Schottky gated GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunctions and detected experimentally in this 2D system quantum magnetooscillations of ∂µ/∂T . We also present a Lifshits-Kosevitch type theory for the ∂µ/∂T magnetooscillations in 2D systems and compare the theory with experimental data. The magnetic field dependence of the ∂µ/∂T value appears to be sensitive to the density of states shape of Landau levels. The data in low magnetic field domain demonstrate brilliant agreement with theory for non-interacting Fermi gas with Lorentzian Landau level shape.Quantum oscillations are known to be a universal tool to study the electron energy spectrum (Fermi surface cross-sections, electron effective mass and g-factor) in three-dimensional single crystals and two-dimensional (2D) systems. In contrast to the 3D-case, the 2D systems allow in-situ tuning the spectrum and the Fermi energy by various methods (including electric field effect in gated structures, illumination, uniaxial stress etc.), and, hence, allow comprehensive magnetooscillation studies. Quantum oscillations in 2D systems are most often studied in resistivity (Shubnikov-de Haas effect) [ functions µ 1,2 ), the charge of the plates is C(µ 1 − µ 2 )/e, where C is the electric capacitance. Correspondingly, when the two plates are connected electrically and an external parameter varies affecting one of the chemical potential values, a recharging current starts flowing between the plates. The recharging current is proportional to ∆µ (in case the capacitance C varies), ∝ ∂µ/∂n (in case one of the plates is a 2D gas of a density n varying with a gate voltage [6,7]), In our study we apply the technique of measuring ∂µ/∂T similar to that used by Nizhankovskii for bulk samples [10], to the 2D electron systems in magnetic field. We focus on ∂µ/∂T oscillations to compare them with semiclassical theory, and to determine the shape of the density of states of Landau levels. The advantage of the temperature modulation technique is the absence of eddy currents or a background signal (concomitant of many other techniques), and its pure thermodynamic origin.Qualitative discussion. -It is worthwhile to give a qualitative explanation why ∂µ/∂T oscillates with perpendicular magnetic field. For the bare quadratic energy spectrum, ε(p) = p 2 /2m, the single electron density of states is constant in two dimensions. At temperatures T ≪ E F the number of particle-like excitations above µ equals to the number of hole-like excitations below µ (hatched areas in Fig. 1a). Therefore, for a fixed electron density n the chemical potential is independent of temperature, ∂µ/∂T = 0, with exponential accuracy at low temperatures, T ≪ E F , where E F stands for the Fermi energy. In the case of energy dependent density of states (like e.g. in 3D systems, graphene or 2D systems in quantizing magnetic field), one can expand it...