Electron spins and photons are complementary quantum-mechanical objects that can be used to carry, manipulate and transform quantum information. To combine these resources, it is desirable to achieve the coherent coupling of a single spin to photons stored in a superconducting resonator. Using a circuit design based on a nanoscale spin-valve, we coherently hybridize the individual spin and charge states of a double quantum dot while preserving spin coherence. This scheme allows us to achieve spin-photon coupling up to the MHz range at the single spin level. The cooperativity is found to reach 2.3, and the spin coherence time is about 60ns. We thereby demonstrate a mesoscopic device suitable for nondestructive spin read-out and distant spin coupling.The methods of cavity quantum electrodynamics hold promise for an efficient use of the spin degree of freedom in the context of quantum computation and simulation (1). Realizing a coherent coupling between a single spin and cavity photons could enable quantum nondemolition readout of a single spin, quantum spin manipulation, and facilitate the coupling of distant spins (1,2,3,4). It could also be used in hybrid architectures in which single spins are coupled to superconducting quantum bits (5), or to simulate one-dimensional spin chains (6).The natural coupling of a spin to the magnetic part of the electromagnetic field is weak (7). In order to enhance it, one needs a large spin ensemble, typically of about 10 12 spins (8,9,10,11,12,13), but these ensembles lose the intrinsic non-linearity of a single spin 1/2.Alternatively, several theoretical proposals have been put forward to electrically couple single spins to superconducting resonators in a mesoscopic circuit (14,15,16,17), building on the exquisite accuracy with which superconducting circuits can be used to couple superconducting qubits and photons and manipulate them (18). One such approach is to engineer an artificial spin-photon interaction by using ferromagnetic reservoirs (15).Noteworthy, the spin/photon coupling is also raising experimental efforts in the optical domain (19,20,21,22,23), but the circuit approach presents the significant advantage of scalability.Recent experiments have demonstrated the coupling of double quantum dot charge states to coplanar waveguide resonators, with a coupling strength gcharge ≈ 2 10 -50 MHz (24,25,26,27,28). In Ref,(29), the spin blockade read-out technique in quantum dots (30) was combined with charge sensing with a microwave resonator (31). In contrast to this spinblockade scheme, here we use the ferromagnetic proximity effect in a coherent conductor to engineer a spin-photon coupling. Our scheme relies on the use of a non collinear spin valve geometry, which realizes an artificial spin orbit interaction (15). Specifically, we contact two non collinear ferromagnets on a carbon nanotube double quantum dot.Our device is shown in Fig. 1, A-C. Our resonator is similar to a previous experiment (27) with a coupling scheme adapted from (24). It is a Nb resonator with a qua...