In turbulence, for neutral or conducting fluids, a large ratio of scales is excited because of the possible occurrence of inverse cascades to large, global scales together with direct cascades to small, dissipative scales, as observed in the atmosphere and oceans, or in the solar environment. In this context, using direct numerical simulations with forcing, we analyze scale dynamics in the presence of magnetic fields with a generalized Ohm's law including a Hall current. The ion inertial length H serves as the control parameter at fixed Reynolds number. Both the magnetic and generalized helicity -invariants in the ideal case -grow linearly with time, as expected from classical arguments. The cross-correlation between the velocity and magnetic field grows as well, more so in relative terms for a stronger Hall current. We find that the helical growth rates vary exponentially with H , provided the ion inertial scale resides within the inverse cascade range. These exponential variations are recovered phenomenologically using simple scaling arguments. They are directly linked to the wavenumber power-law dependence of generalized and magnetic helicity, ∼ k −2 , in their inverse ranges. This illustrates and confirms the important role of the interplay between large and small scales in the dynamics of turbulent flows. arXiv:2001.11625v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 31 Jan 2020 and large scales play an essential role in estimating the efficiency of mixing in such flows [28][29][30], and it is found to vary linearly with the control parameter, namely the Froude number [31,32].
B. The case of space plasmasSimilar phenomena are observed as well for turbulent flows in the presence of magnetic fields. Such fields, together with charged particles, are abundant in the cosmos. At large scales, the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approximation, in which the displacement current is neglected in Maxwell's equations, is adequate, and observations of the Solar Wind, dating back to the Voyager spacecraft, confirmed the physical description of a medium governed by the interactions of turbulent, nonlinear eddies and Alfvén waves (see, e.g., for recent reviews, [33-36] and references therein). Turbulence is also found to play a central role in shaping these media [37][38][39].However, as the direct turbulent cascade of energy approaches smaller scales, plasma effects and dispersive waves come into effect, appearing for example through a generalized Ohm's law whose expression depends on the degree of ionization of the medium, which itself can differ greatly from the solar wind to the interstellar gas. Current spacecraft technologies allow for the resolution of much smaller temporal and spatial scales than what was available previously, and one can now reach the ion inertial length, H , and perhaps the electron inertial length (see for definitions the next section, and e.g. [40]). Other types of waves, kinetic Alfvén waves or whistler waves for example, come into play between the ion and electron scales, and the distribution of energy among modes is altered...