A high-resolution magnetoblostratlgraphy is presented for the early Late Phocene m Sicily Paleomagnetm measurements on samples from 100 stratlgraphm levels provide an unprecedented high-quality polamty sequence whmh extends from the upper reversed Gilbert to the upper normal Gauss subchron. The resultant chronology for the early Late Phocene provides ages for the following principal Mediterranean bloevents: (1) FOD Globorotaha crassaformls at 3.40 Ma, (2) prolonged absence of Globorotaha punct~culata between 3.38 and 3 16 Ma, (3) LOD Uwgerma rutda at 3 16 Ma, (4) LOD Sphaero~dmellops~s semmuhna at 3.07 Ma, (5) LOD Globoquadrma altzsp~ra at 3 04 Ma and (6) LOD C~blc~des ~tahcus at 2.96 Ma.Summer and winter surface water temperature estimates for the period 3 50 to 2 92 Ma are based on the abundances of Glob~germo~des saccuhfer and Globorotaha punctwulata m 111 samples with an average resolutmn of some 5000 years Short-term varmtmns m temperature of the surface water and m colour and carbonate content of the sediment are primarily controlled by the equmoxal precession A higher seasonahty during deposltmn of the grey-coloured, carbonate-poor facms suggests that at that time the summer solstice occurred near penhehon, whereas an reverse ahgnment occurred at the time of deposltmn of whlte-coloured, carbonate-inch layers Thin phase-relatmnshlp between the precessmn cycle and grey-coloured layers is also vahd for the sapropels whmh began to intercalate m the grey-coloured layers at 2 94 Ma Long-term changes m surface water temperatures include a warmmg between 3 38 and 3 18 Ma followed by a coohng from 3 18 to 3 03 Ma. The warming of Mediterranean surface waters at 3 38 Ma is beheved to be assocmted w~th the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama. Consequent strengthening of the Gulf Stream rejected larger volumes of warm surface water into the North Atlantm Drift and eastern boundary current and thin caused surface water temperatures m the mid to high-latitude northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean to rose. The subsequent chmatm coohng at 3 18 Ma is hnked to a first stage of Northern Hemmphere continental me growth.