The structural, magnetic, and transport properties of La 0.7 ͑Ca 1−y Sr y ͒ 0.3 MnO 3 films, deposited on a LaAlO 3 ͑001͒ single crystalline substrate by rf-magnetron sputtering using "soft" ͑or powder͒ targets, have been investigated. It was found that at 0.3Յ y Յ 0.5 both the rhombohedral ͑R3c͒ and the orthorhombic ͑Pnma͒ crystal phases in the form of nanoscale clusters are coexistent at room temperature. The observed structural clustering is accompanied by two-stage magnetic and electronic transitions, and governed by a nonuniform distribution of the lattice strain through the film. It was shown that for the films with 0 Յ y Յ 0.5 the nonlinear ͑almost parabolic͒ MR͑H͒ dependence is typical while, for 0.65Յ y Յ 1.0, the linear MR͑H͒ behavior is observed at room temperature. The magnetotransport properties of films are explained within the framework of field-dependent activation-energy model. The magnetic phase diagram for La 0.7 ͑Ca 1−y Sr y ͒ 0.3 MnO 3 thin-film system is also presented.