that is, (1) nanometric small size, (2) topological stability, (3) high transition temperatures, and (4) ultralow energy consumption to drive their motion. It was found that translational motion and subsequent Hall motion of skyrmions can be driven in metallic systems by applying spin-polarized electric currents via the spin transfer torque mechanism. [16][17][18] Surprisingly its threshold current density j c turned out to be 10 5 -10 6 A m −2 , which is fi ve or six orders of magnitude smaller than j c required to move magnetic domain walls. The B20 compounds had been only example of chiral-lattice magnets realizing skyrmionic phases so far, and all of these compounds are metallic. The initial discovery of an insulating skyrmionic phase was reported in 2012 for Cu 2 OSeO 3 . [ 19 ] What's interesting here is that the noncollinear skyrmion spin structure in the insulator attains multiferroic nature via relativistic spin-orbit coupling. Indeed, magnetically induced ferroelectric polarization was observed in this compound. [19][20][21] This multiferroicity offers an opportunity to manipulate skyrmions by electric fi elds, [ 22,23 ] rather than electric currents [24][25][26][27][28][29][30] or heat pulses. [ 31 ] Because electric fi elds in insulators do not bring about energy losses due to the Joule heating in contrast to electric currents in metals, there is a chance to further reduce the energy consumption in potential skyrmion-based storage devices.To use multiferroic skyrmions as information carriers, it is necessary to establish a method to create, erase, and drive them by applying an electric fi eld. In this paper, by taking Cu 2 OSeO 3 as an example of skyrmion-hosting multiferroics, we theoretically demonstrate that skyrmions can be created on a thin-fi lm sample very quickly (within a few nanoseconds) by applying electric fi elds with an electrode tip. This electric activity of skyrmions turns out to be mediated by magnetoelectric coupling between the swirling skyrmion spins and the electric polarizations in multiferroics, which is distinct in microscopic mechanism from the spin transfer torque as a major channel of electric control of magnetism in metallic magnets. Therefore this fi nding will lead to a unique technique for using multiferroic skyrmions for future skyrmion-based memory devices.
Model and SimulationsThe crystal and magnetic structures of Cu 2 OSeO 3 are composed of tetrahedra with four Cu 2+ ( S = 1/2) ions as shown in Figure 1 a,b, and three-up and one-down-type collinear spin arrangement is realized on each tetrahedron below T c = 58 K. [ 32,33 ] This fourspin assembly as a magnetic unit can be treated as a classical It is theoretically proposed that magnetic skyrmions, nanometric spin vortices characterized by a quantized topological number, can be electrically created on a thin-fi lm specimen of chiral-lattice magnetic insulator within a few nanoseconds by applying an electric fi eld via an electrode tip taking advantage of coupling between noncollinear skyrmion spins and electric pola...