DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/11/16/014
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Magnetoelectric measurements on and

Abstract: and are members of the Aurivillius family of compounds having simultaneous electrical and magnetic ordering. Magnetoelectric measurements carried out in a linear time-varying magnetic field with an alternating-current field superimposed yielded a non-linear signal. The shift from linearity, which is not usually observed for antiferromagnetic materials, may be due the tilt in the octahedra. The variation of the magnetoelectric output with temperature for and indicated magnetic anomalies with enhanced sensiti… Show more

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Cited by 133 publications
(79 citation statements)
References 9 publications
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“…While the structure of the Aurivillius compounds is described in the literature and databases quite * corresponding author; e-mail: mariusz.mazurek@pollub.pl well, the hyperfine interactions in these materials have not yet been studied in sufficient detail. In our earlier papers [4,5] room-temperature Mössbauer measurements performed for Bi m+1 Ti 3 Fe m−3 O 3m+3 with m = 4, 6, 7 and 8 revealed that all compounds were in paramagnetic state, what is consistent with the literature data concerning the Néel temperature of these ceramics (T N is smaller than room temperature) [6]. Low temperature Mössbauer measurements for Bi 9 Ti 3 Fe 5 O 27 compound have been carried out more than thirty years ago [7,8], however, besides spectra not all values of hyperfine interaction parameters were reported by the authors.…”
Section: Introductionsupporting
confidence: 88%
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“…While the structure of the Aurivillius compounds is described in the literature and databases quite * corresponding author; e-mail: mariusz.mazurek@pollub.pl well, the hyperfine interactions in these materials have not yet been studied in sufficient detail. In our earlier papers [4,5] room-temperature Mössbauer measurements performed for Bi m+1 Ti 3 Fe m−3 O 3m+3 with m = 4, 6, 7 and 8 revealed that all compounds were in paramagnetic state, what is consistent with the literature data concerning the Néel temperature of these ceramics (T N is smaller than room temperature) [6]. Low temperature Mössbauer measurements for Bi 9 Ti 3 Fe 5 O 27 compound have been carried out more than thirty years ago [7,8], however, besides spectra not all values of hyperfine interaction parameters were reported by the authors.…”
Section: Introductionsupporting
confidence: 88%
“…It is known that the Aurivillius compounds are antiferromagnetics and with increasing the number of perovskite-like layers, the antiferromagnetic Néel temperature increases ( [6] and Refs. therein) being smaller than room temperature for m = 4-7.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Bi 5 Ti 3 FeO 15 (BTFO) is an example of the Aurivillius phase material with of n ¼ 4 (Bi 4 Ti 3 O 12 -BiFeO 3 ) and thus has a four-layered perovskite unit of (Bi 3 Ti 3 FeO 13 ) 2À sandwiched by two (Bi 2 O 2 ) 2þ layers along c-axis. 8 Previous work undertaken on BTFO has shown it to be both ferroelectric, with a Curie temperature of about 730 C, 9 and to possess antiferromagnetic order, with a Neel point of 80 K. 10 The magneto-electric coupling behavior 11 and an obvious magnetocapacitance effect 12 have also been observed. By Nd-doping 13 or by substituting Fe with the Co 14 BTFO, solid-solution films have been reported to exhibit ferromagnetism to some degree, although recent work 15,16 has shown that great care must be taken, when interpreting ferromagnetic responses, to eliminate the effects of ferromagnetic second phases, even at very low levels.…”
confidence: 94%
“…[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] While methods such as sol-gel, 12,19 solid-state reaction, 17,18 and pulsed laser deposition 4 20,21 Atomic vapor deposition (AVD) is based on pulsed liquid-injection chemical vapor deposition with a volume of each pulse of the order of microlitres. 22 It has been proved that AVD can deposit high-quality high-k dielectric or ferroelectric films with a largely uniform film thickness, composition, and electrical properties and is highly suitable for mass production.…”
confidence: 99%
“…BLSF ceramics, in gen- * E-mail: crnpfl@phy.iitkgp.ernet.in eral, have high Curie temperatures, coercivities and dielectric strengths apart from low dielectric dissipation factors, good mechanical and thermal stability [2,3]. Most of the iron containing bismuth layer structured compounds of the Aurivillius family show simultaneously the ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic properties, and hence exhibit magnetoelectric (ME) effect under the influence of an external magnetic/electric field [4]. Therefore, these solids are promising candidates for a new generation of electronic devices; combined information storage/logic operations, multiple-state memory devices, electric-fieldcontrolled ferromagnetic resonance devices, and transducers with magnetically modulated piezoelectricity [5].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%