The plasma environment around Mercury is highly dynamic with an abundance of wave activities. Low-frequency harmonic waves have first been detected during the three Mariner 10 flybys in 1974 (Russell, 1989). With the advent of MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEophysics and Ranging, Solomon et al., 2007) in a near-polar orbit around Mercury in March 2011 it was possible to characterize these ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves statistically and study their spatial occurrences in the Hermean space environment. Due to the small size of the magnetosphere, enhanced magnetic field magnitude and plasma density in the solar wind near Mercury, it is found that most of these waves have characteristics different from those observed around Earth. Upstream of the bow shock ULF and whistler waves are observed at larger frequencies (Boardsen et al., 2009;Le et al., 2013;Romanelli et al., 2012). Downstream of the shock ion cyclotron waves are observed under quasi-perpendicular shock configurations, whereas under quasi-parallel shock configurations large-amplitude fluctuations with periods around 10 s are detected, attributed to the cyclic reformation of the bow shock (Sundberg et al., 2013(Sundberg et al., , 2015.Here we classify and analyze another type of plasma waves: ion cyclotron waves generated by the pickup of photoionized exospheric hydrogen. Pick-up ions can produce different plasma waves from resonant and non-resonant instabilities, since they form a secondary distribution in velocity space which is highly unstable (Gary, 1991). The velocity distribution of the pick-up ions specifically depends on the angle between mean magnetic field and ambient plasma flow in which they are injected. In the co-moving frame with the core plasma distribution (the bulk-rest frame), perpendicular pick-up geometries (magnetic field perpendicular to plasma flow) generate ring distributions of pick-up ions in velocity space (Huddleston & Johnstone, 1992) and parallel pick-up geometries (magnetic field aligned with plasma flow) generate a Abstract Mercury is host to a rich and highly dynamic plasma environment, resulting from the interaction of the solar wind with Mercury's intrinsic magnetic field and tenuous exosphere. Ion cyclotron waves generated by the pick-up of freshly photoionized neutrals are a common physical phenomenon in the exosphere of weakly and/or unmagnetized bodies. Here we study the properties of cyclotron waves generated by proton pick-up, the so-called proton cyclotron waves (PCWs), at Mercury. We surveyed 4 years of MESSENGER magnetometer data and identified 5455 PCW events observed over a wide spatial range, where ∼73% of the observed PCWs are located in the solar wind and ∼27% in the magnetosheath. By associating the wave properties with their spatial distribution, we evaluate the characteristics and differences of the PCWs in the two regions.Plain Language Summary Mercury possesses an internally generated magnetic field which constitutes an obstacle to the supersonic solar wind. Upstream of the planet a bo...