The cover picture shows various stages of the mineralization/coagulation process in the kinetically controlled formation of gold nanoparticles (yellow spheres) in a microemulsion of polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (green-and-white strands) in toluene. The transmission electron micrographs and the superimposed UV/Vis absorbance spectra correspond to the states with one gold particle per micelle (top) and to aggregated micelles containing two (middle) or three (bottom) gold particles. More about this novel method of stabilizing defined metal particles in
1499-1504 Giant Magnetoresistance Phenomenon in Manganates
Insulator -MetalThe many complex, interrelated phenomena that contribute to giant magnetoresistance (GMR) i n rare earth manganates Ln, -,A,MnO, (Ln = rare earth, A = divalent cation) are discussed. GMR is observed when these manganates become ferromagnetic and transform from an insulating state to a metallic state close to the Curie temperature. The essential features of magnetoresistance can be understood on the basis of the double-exchange mechanism, but this is too simplistic to account for all the observed data.
1509-1513Oxygen and Nitrogen in Competitive Situations: Which Is The Hydrogen-Bond Acceptor?By utilizing a rapid redox reaction between liquid MOO, and "N3-" [Eqs. (1) and (2)], we have been able to perform the first high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry on ternary metal nitrides. The energetics of the Ca/Zn/N system indicate that Ca,N, acts as a basic nitride analogous to CaO in oxide systems, while Zn,N, acts as an acidic nitride (''N3-" acceptor). Further study of ternary nitride systems should enable classification of binary nitrides into those of acidic or basic character, and possibly lead to the design and synthesis of new materials.
AS2-AS1 AS3-ASZ-ASI AS4-AS3-AS2-ASlA matched set of isomers-porphyrin (l), porphycene (Z), and corrphycene (3)-allow various issues in porphyrin chemistry to be explored. In this paper the doubly protonated forms of these macrocycles, studied as their tetraethyl-tetramethyl derivatives, are compared. as the formal oxidant has been developed. In this mild ruthenium-catalyzed procedure, which utilizes catalyst/substrate ratios as low as I/lOOO, alcohols with oxidation-sensitive functionalities can be selectively oxidized to ketones (above). The cleavage of an amide bond catalysed aspartylglucosaminidase (AGA) has been investigated with ab initio quantum mechanical calculations (model used shown on the right). It is shown that catalytic mechanisms similar to those of serine proteases are feasible for AGA and other N-terminal nucleophilic (Ntn) amidohydrolases. It is also suggested that the protonated cr-amino group of the substrate may be important for the catalytic activity of AGA. Kinetically controlled formation of gold nanoparticles in a microemulsion of polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinylpyridine) in toluene is described for the first time. Various stages of the mineralization/coagulation process could be stabilized, namely,...