A tone usually declines in loudness when preceded by a more intense inducer tone. This phenomenon is called "loudness recalibration" or "induced loudness reduction" (ILR). The present study investigates how ILR depends on level, loudness, and duration. A 2AFC procedure was used to obtain loudness matches between 2500-Hz comparison tones and 500-Hz test tones at 60 and 70 dB SPL, presented with and without preceding 500-Hz inducer tones. For 200-ms test and comparison tones, the amount of ILR did not depend on inducer level (set at 80 dB SPL and above), but ILR was greater with 200- than with 5-ms inducers, even when both were equally loud. For 5-ms tones, ILR was as great with 5- as with 200-ms inducers and about as great as when test and inducer tones both lasted 200 ms. These results suggest that (1) neither the loudness nor the SPL of the inducer alone governs ILR, and (2) inducer duration must equal or exceed test-tone duration to yield maximal amounts of ILR. Further analysis indicates that the efferent system may be partly responsible for ILR of 200-ms test tones, but is unlikely to account for ILR of 5-ms tones.