Context:In Japan, the media has termed youth depression "modern type depression," which has recently become an important topic. After entering the workforce, some youth become depressed, which in turn has contributed to the increase in leaves of absence from work. It is important to ascertain medical backgrounds and clinical features and to provide appropriate treatment for these individuals.Objective: To clarify the recent tendency in youth depression by comparing symptoms experienced by current university students with those experienced 15 years ago, and to examine future depression and suicide prevention measures.
Design: Retrospective case control study involving review of interview and medical records.Results: There were significantly more students with major depression 15 years ago compared with the present. Currently, however, there are significantly more students with comorbidities such as autism spectrum disorder. Moreover, there were significantly more students with comorbidities among those who experienced prolonged depression.
Conclusion:This study found that current students had significant comorbidities, particularly autism spectrum disorder. It is important that youths with autism spectrum disorder are understood and not isolated.