Randayan Island and The Surrounding Water Small Island Park (TPK Pulau Randayan dan Perairan Sekitarnya) is one of the Coastal and Small Islands Protected Areas (MPA) in West Kalimantan which has the potential to be developed into a marine tourism destination, especially sustainable diving tourism. The area has resources with a high level of diversity such as coral reefs, coral fish, seagrass, and other potential aquatic biota. This study aims to identify potentials, conduct resource suitability analysis, calculate the carrying capacity of the area, the carrying capacity of utilization, and make a map of area utilization suitability for the development of sustainable diving tourism. This research uses quantitative methods with tourism suitability analysis based on Yulius, et al (2018) and carrying capacity analysis based on Yulianda (2019). The data source is secondary data obtained from previous research and from publications published by several related agencies. The results showed that the Tourism Suitability Index for diving tourism in the limited use zone of Randayan Island Small Island Park consisted of Station 1 (Pulau Kabung), Station 2 (Pulau Lemukutan), Station 3 (Pulau Penata Besar), and Station 4 (Pulau Randayan) are included in the Conditional Suitable category, with scores of 65%, 56%, 72%, 65%, respectively. The Area Carrying Capacity at each station are 596, 1,354, 1,028, 157 people per day, with the Utilization Carrying Capacity of 59, 135, 102, and 15 people per day.